Co-working is on the rise. Here’s what you’re missing out on.

Hybrid working is here to stay. Co-working spaces continue to grow in popularity. After the pandemic, the way people work has changed. We think for the better.

With more freedom, you’re able to choose a work pattern and lifestyle that suits you – as long as you’re delivering the same work, employers are (generally) happy.

For those who can’t or WON’T work from home – the office is back in full swing, with chats by the watercooler and everything else we’ve missed.

There is however another option. Co-working offices allow for the best of both worlds. As the leading coworking space in Woolston, we know a thing or two about delivering the best experience for users.
Here’s what you’re missing if you’re still working from the kitchen table.

Better focus and productivity

Fewer interruptions and more work getting done. That might sound like a dream for the home workers, but it’s a reality for users of co-working spaces.

There’s no waiting for deliveries or distractions from others. Everyone is there to work and respect the privacy and workflow of others.

New colleagues and friends

Of course, when the time is right there are always opportunities to chat. We help others grow their network and make new friends within our co-working space in Woolston.

If you’re a business owner, there are opportunities to network too. Not just with those in the room, but at the regular networking events we hold with K2 Networking and others. You never know who you might meet over a coffee!

Freedom to work whenever suits you

The days of traditional 9-5s are nearly over. With more flexibility comes more freedom with how you work.

Our offices are open from 6am – 9pm every day, meaning you can work whenever you’d like. Even before or after your 9-5, you can use our co-working space to work on side projects or just get that extra niggling bit of work finished in peace.

Tradesperson? We offer a discounted rate for those who only want access between 6–9am and 5-9pm. Talk to us to find out more.

Want to talk to our team?

Working from home? It’s time you started considering a co-working space. In Southampton, there are a few options – but we believe we’ve got the perfect cocktail of ingredients that makes our space the standout choice.

Talk to our team to arrange a free viewing and try out our tasty coffee.